As a coffee lover, I’ve tried it all but I have not found a brew that makes a better cup than the French press.  

The problem with the French press is cleaning and removing the spent grounds.  It’s a mess. It’s a pain. And refusing to go back to drip coffee, I wanted a solution that easily and completely cleans and removes grounds from my French press.

With a google search of “how to clean a french press”, the top responses suggested using a spatula. 

No.  Just no.  What a total mess. 

I have come across people who love this technique and I just don’t get it. 

Other techniques I’ve come across...

  • dumping the grounds onto a paper towel (a mess!),
  • banging the carafe against the garbage can (broke two carafes this way, not to mention the trail of gross water leaking from the bottom of the bag), and
  • using a strainer over the sink. (Ok, that one worked but I was stuck there waiting for the dripping to stop and then a lot of the wet grounds just stuck to the strainer.) 

No. Just no. 

So, I set out to find a solution that solved all these problems and developed The Grounds Keeper:

  • a strainer sitting on a basin so the grounds have time to dry (no wet mess in the garbage, no being stuck waiting for the grounds to stop dripping, and no wet grounds stuck to the strainer and down my sink). 

Now, my French press is empty of all grounds before I even take a sip of my coffee.

 The beauty of this solution is not the strainer but the basin.  The basin allows  the time and freedom to focus on other things while drying out the grounds. 

It’s a simple solution that works!


  • Jamie Lepore said:

    I press my coffee, use the Grounds Keeper basin system, enjoy my coffee then dump DRY grounds in the trash and I mean all the grounds. Clean up has never been so easy. No more drips from my trash bag, or in the bottom of my can. I can relax, enjoy my coffee knowing the clean up is a breeze. I LOVE THE GOUNDS KEEPER!!!!!

    February 21, 2022

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